Archive for the ‘Moisturizer’ Category
The Beauty Benefits Of Calendula
Today’s Personal Care blog highlights calendula, an herb used traditionally for skin care and healing. Modern research has shown that calendula is rich in carotenoids (vitamin A) and oil-soluble sterols that help to heal chapped and irritated skin, as well as plump up and thicken the skin.
I use calendula cream on wounds and burns, and infuse it into an oil that goes into my moisturizer and exfoliant. I wouldn’t be without it.
You can read more about calendula’s healing and skin care benefits at the excellent Personal Care blog – a reliable source of fact-based information about the products we use, and their ingredients.
How To Tell If You Need A Moisturizer
There a good post today on the AskAnEsthetician’s Blog about what moisturizers can and cannot do for you – and this suggestion about how to tell if you even need a moisturizer…
What is a good way to tell if you need a moisturizer or not? Wash your face and then wait about 10 to 15 minutes. During those 10 to 15 minutes do not put anything on your face. After you’ve waited think about how your face feels – is it tight or dry feeling? Then you need a moisturizer. If you notice flakes on your face after the waiting period than you need to gently exfoliate and then use a moisturizer. AskAnEsthetician’sBlog
One of the other things to consider is whether the way you washed your face caused the dry, tight feeling. Many of the cleansers on the market can be very drying, and some are so harsh they can be damaging to dry skin.
But if you are using a mild cleanser, or if you wash your face in warm water alone, and your skin feels dry afterwards, then you would pass the test suggested on the blog..
Do You Really Need Different Skincare Products For Different Parts Of Your Face?
I use the same products all over my face. I don’t use anything special around my eyes, or anywhere else. If a product is too harsh for sensitive skin around my eyes, then I don’t want to use it anywhere on my face.
In fact, I have found that high-quality products work just as well on my cheeks as around my eyes, and everywhere else, so there just isn’t the need for different products for here or there – so long as the products I use are really good.
On top of that, there is not much evidence that anti-aging creams and serums do any more for our skin than a good moisturizer will do. There’s another whole set of products that are not needed, given a good moisturizer!
Yet the general view is more like this…
Instead of just using a skin care cream for your entire face, you need to take a look at the areas of your face that need more care. Good anti aging skin care products are those that not only consist of cleansers and toners to help erase lines and make your skin more supple, but also those that will focus on areas of the face that need more care. These include the eyes and throat as well as the face. Some areas of the face and body need more attention than others. Good natural skin care products consist of sets that allow for all areas to be covered. World News Today
I meet women every day who are convinced they need an elaborate skincare routine, using lots of products. They’ve bought into the idea that more is better.
I’m a big fan of simple care. It’s quick, easy, and affordable. And, with the right products, the results can be spectacular.
Age-Defying Oils For Dry Skin
There is a good article at about dry skin products based on organic coconut oil and Argan oil from Morocco. The author, Carmindy, writes about oils that moisturize and protect our skin and keep it looking great
One of my favorites is pure organic coconut oil that easily absorbs into the skin and contains vitamin E, lauric acid and other antioxidants. It smells heavenly and hydrates the skin naturally. Helena Rubenstein famously quoted, “Don’t put anything on your face that you would not put in your mouth.” and with coconut oil, I could not agree more.
I’m a big fan of coconut oil. It is one of the best oils you could possibly use for rejuvenating dry skin. I use the extra virgin grade in my moisturizing products.
For those of us with dry skin, the right oils can really help repair and maintain our moisture barrier. Our dry skin is a result of loss of water from the skin. Oils prevent that loss, as well as serving to soothe and smooth the skin, leaving it looking and feeling soft and dewy.
I follow Helena Rubenstein’s advice and do not put on my face anything I would not put in my mouth. So I moisturize with products made from pure, organic oils. They work the best for me.
I wrote previously here about organic coconut oil for health and beauty.